Dementia related Resources
For Persons with dementia and their Care Partners
Alzheimer Society of Canada (link to provincial and regional societies here)
Alzheimer Society First Link Program First Link is an early intervention service designed to connect individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's disease or another dementia with services and support as soon as possible after diagnosis. Formal referral from physicians and health professionals allows for proactive contact with individuals and families.
All about me - a booklet filled out by the person with dementia (and caregiver) that can be used when the primary caregiver cannot be with the person with dementia and others need to provide care and support. In English
and French (A propos de moi)
Shared experiences is an information booklet intended to help answer some of your questions and address some of your concerns about living with Alzheimer's disease.
OnMemory: A caregiver's guide to dementia
Dementia Guide Understanding and managing the symptoms of dementia.
The Toronto Dementia Network collects, organizes and disseminates information about dementia related services and events in Toronto.
Safely Home Safely Home® assists police in finding a person who is lost and returning them safely to their home. It is a nationwide program developed by the Alzheimer Society of Canada in partnership with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program MAREP offers a wide variety of educational materials.
Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging The Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging (CCAA) is Canada’s leader in current research and program development for improved physical ability and healthy aging for older adults.
The PATH Clinic Palliative and Therapeutic Harmonization (PATH) is a process that creates time and space for frail, older people - including those with dementia - to make complex health care decisions.
Not If But When - Nova Scotia specific resources around dementia and driving cessation
The Canadian Caregive Coalition is the national voice for the needs and interests of family caregivers.
The Canadian Virtual Hospice provides support and personalized information about palliative and end-of-life care to patients, family members, health care providers, researchers and educators.
The Alzheimer Risk Assessment Clinic: The Alzheimer Risk Assessment Clinic (ARAC) was established by Dr. Hyman Schipper at the Jewish General Hospital (Montreal) to address the concerns increasingly being voiced by active middle-aged individuals at risk for AD. A positive family history of AD and/or perceived changes in personal cognitive function (predominantly short-term memory) are main reasons for referral. To contact the clinic call: Jewish General Hospital Department of Neurology, Adrienne Liberman Clinic Co-ordinator at 514-340-8260 ext 3856 or Dr. Hyman Schipper 514-340-8222 ext 5849 or send e-mail to: [email protected]
For Health Care Professionals
Dementia CME for Physicians This CME is based on the Canadian Consensus Conference on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dmentia's (CCCDTD) new 2012 recommendations.
Ambiguous Loss And Grief a booklet intended to help health-care providers, Alzheimer Society staff and volunteers gain a better understanding of how loss and grief affect people with dementia and their family caregivers in English and French.
The Dementia Services Development Centre (UK) DSDC provides comprehensive dementia education and training, consultancy and research services.
The Dementia ToolKit (NHS - UK) This toolkit has been developed for staff working with people who have dementia and their carers
CDAN CDAN brings together Canada’s world-class biomedical researchers and clinicians for the purpose of quickly identifying promising treatments for ADRD.
Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program MAREP offers a wide variety of educational materials.
Frailty, Dementia and DIsasters - what health care providers need to know. Four interactive, online modules.
The Canadian Virtual Hospice provides support and personalized information about palliative and end-of-life care to patients, family members, health care providers, researchers and educators.
Knowledge Translation(KT) Resources
Introduction to KT Guide (pdf)
KT Planning Guide (PDF)
Intro to Knowledge Translation Slideshows :
1. Introduction to Knowledge Translation: What is KT
2. Introduction to Knowledge Translation: KT Frameworks
3. Introduction to Knowledge Translation: KT Planning
The Dementia KT Learning Centre
Other Slide Shows
How does CDKTN link research knowledge to users?
An Introduction to Social Media for Researchers
Canadian Conference on Dementia poster

Christina Martin - Remember Me song (with lyrics)
CTV Interview with Dr. Kenneth Rockwood
Dancing Inside: An Alzheimer's Story
Édith Fournier
1 - Elle égrène ses heures
2 - La crise conjugale
3 - Le besoin d'aide
4 - La mémoire et l'identité
5 - Néanmoins, VIVRE
6 - L'hébergement
Geriatric Medicine Research: Cognition, Frailty, Balance and Mobility, Social Vulnerability
Kathryn Allen Weldon Lecture 2010
Meg Federico - Welcome to the Departure Lounge: Adventures in Mothering Mother
1 - The Red Tag
2 - The Phone Call
3 - It Doesn't Resemble Living
4 - Huginn and Muninn
5 - Breakfast with Walter
6 - A Thousand Miles Away
What is Knowledge Translation