CDKTN Launches New Dementia CME For Physicians
The CDKTN is pleased to announce a new CME for physicians based on the Canadian Consensus Conference on the DIagnosis and Treatment of Dementia's (CCCDTD) 2012 recommendations. This CME is aimed at treating physicans. It meets the accreditation criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. To see the course, click here.
This course is the result of a collaboration between CDKTN theme groups across Canada. In the spring/summer of 2013, we will have three accompanying webinars for health care teams developed via our knowledge exchange theme, CDRAKE. We'll keep you posted as they are scheduled.
There is also an accompanying slide deck for the CCCDTD recommendations that you can view here. To obtain a copy of this slide deck for educational purposes, use the contact page to request this.
New Knowledge Translation Guides
The CDKTN has produced two new resources for people who want to learn more about KnowlegdeTranslation (KT): an Introduction to KT (pdf) and a KT Planning Guide, You can find them both on our Resources page in the KT Resources Section.
You can also view these guides as three slides shows here.
CDKTN announces a new Dementia KT Training site for researchers

This new website provides a central hub of information and resources to assist both new and established dementia researchers with their knowledge translation (KT) efforts.
Click here for more information.
Are People with Dementia Prone to Gambling Addiction?
We encourage you to explore this site and its many resources, and we welcome your feedback. Visit our Contact page to get in touch.
Welcome to Life and Minds - your resource for the latest in dementia related news, events and research.
This website is intended as a resource for news, information and events concerning dementia and dementia research. It is part of a larger project called the Canadian Dementia Knowledge Translation Network (CDKTN), which promotes the translation of dementia research into products, services and information for persons with dementia and their families, as well as caregivers, health professionals, researchers and more. Please visit our About Us page to learn more about this project and the people involved.

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